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Friday, October 22, 2010

The Daily 5

Here's a speedy version of what the Daily 5 looks like in my classroom!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mom and Dad, Please Read me a Story

I know how that title sounds but this is going to be good.  The students and I have decided that since they are such pros during "The Daily Five", they are going to share what they have learned with you.  This upcoming weekend they are going to be bringing home an assignment called "Read to Self".  This simply involves reading by yourself in a comfy spot without distractions.  26 of us do this everyday in school for 1/2 hour!!

But what about the grocery shopping, hockey, clubs, yard-work, dinner???  We had a great discussion about this and thought in the entire weekend, couldn't we all just fall into a book for only 1/2 hour sometime between Friday and Sunday night.  Who says the enjoyment of reading has to stop at the end of school. (now I remember the types of books they had "back in our day", but writers are so much more entertaining now).

Here's how we are going to help.  First ask your child what a "Good-fit Book" is.  I'm a firm believer in abusing my library for free books and you are more than welcome to borrow from my collection at school.  Next, have your child tell you how to "Read to Self" from their anchor books.  After that, you need to find a comfy spot, have everything you need within an arms-length (coffee in my case), and let go of everything else to begin reading!  Your son or daughter is an excellent role model; you can look at them to help you because hopefully they're laying on the floor, feet up on the couch next to you, reading.  Enjoy!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope you all enjoyed the fantastic weekend full of sunshine, family and good food.
Don't forget to finish the rough copy of your interviews and I hope you all put in your hour of reading (I polished off two books this weekend. "Wake" and "Fade".
I hope you saved all your paper towel rolls to create our arms on Wednesday.  We need only 15 more!!  Congrats to Aleks and Kelsey for solving the weekend cipher; "Don't eat too much turkey this weekend".  See you tomorrow!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Alien X-Rays

One fun assignment we created this week was for studying the skeletal system in science; we call it the Alien X-Ray.
By taking anatomically correct bones from the human skeleton, we had to design an alien and write a short biography about him/her/it???? We then showed them during our sharing assembly on Friday. 
Here are a few fan favourites.

Pettela Nutella by Faith
 Mr. Handy by Aleks
 War Machine by Nick
Claw-Arm Calvin by Kelsey